INPR Retreat 2022: Durham
“Christ and Philosophy”
What can philosophy teach us about Christ? What can Christ teach philosophy? The last twenty years have seen an explosion of interest in the figure of Christ by continental thinkers of all kinds. Whether it is the renewed interest in Kierkegaard's Christ as the ‘collision of time and eternity’, or Jean-Luc Marion taking Christ’s revelation as the model for all appearing, many themes that traditionally belonged to Christology have in recent years been taken up by philosophers: Incarnation (Henry), Resurrection (Falque), kenosis (Derrida, Malabou, Nancy and Vattimo), as well as the parabolic mode of discourse (Caputo and Ricœur). This seminar has two aims: to explore how the illuminating power of Christ provides the key to thinking through philosophical questions beyond confessional boundaries, and to retrieve philosophical insights about Christ for the wider Christian community.