Séminaire international
INPR – Institut Catholique de Paris
10-14 juin 2024 Perugia, Italie
Le cantique des créatures : monde, terre, création
The Canticle of Creatures: World, Earth, Creation
International Network in Philosophy of Religion (INPR) / Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) Le grand Séminaire international de l’INPR se tiendra cette année à Perugia en Italie dans l’Hôtel Sacro Cuore situé en face d’Assisi. Ce séminaire intitulé Le cantique des créatures : monde, terre, création, sera l’occasion de composer une ode philosophique aux créatures. Suivant le Cantique des créatures de frère François, il interrogera le statut du monde, de notre terre et de la création pour aujourd’hui. Si les défis écologiques sont immenses en raison de la crise climatique, la voie ouverte par le Pape François dans son encyclique Laudato Si’ doit aussi trouver une réponse philosophique.
This year's INPR International Seminar will be held in Perugia, Italy, at the Hotel Sacro Cuore, situated just in front of Assisi. The seminar, entitled The Canticle of Creatures: World, Earth, Creation, will be an opportunity to compose a philosophical ode to creatures. Following Brother François Canticle of Creatures, it will question the status of the world, our earth and creation today. If the ecological challenges are immense because of the climate crisis, the path opened up by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si' must also find a philosophical response.
June 10th—Monday
June 11th—Tuesday
Care of the Earth
1. 9h15-10h—Tom Carlson—UCSB, California
Earthly Moods: Amidst Phenomenology, Poetics, and Religion
2. 10h-10h45—Tamsin Jones—Trinity College, Hartford
Facing Climate Crisis: Attention as Method
3. 11h15-12h—Robyn Horner—ACU, Melbourne
Creatures as bearers of God’s Grace: A phenomenology of creatureliness
4. 12h-12h45—Richard Kearney—Boston College
Mystical Ecology
Parallel session 1
5. 14h30-15h15—Nikolaas Cassidy-Deketelaere—Institut Catholique de Paris / KU Leuven
The Creative Imagination: Immanuel Kant and Jean-Luc Nancy on the Poetics of Experience
6. 15h15-16h—Luke McCracken—UCSB, California
Materializing the Will of God: Calvinism and the Invention of Psychiatry
7. 16h-16h45—Maria Gallego—Boston College
Healing the Rupture: Imagining a Caring-Dwelling in the World through the Lenses of Gaston Bachelard and Paul Ricoeur
8. 17h-17h45—Orlando Garcia—Institut Catholique de Paris Umweltintentionalität and Phenomenology of life in Frederik Buytendijk
9. 17h45-18h30—Gregory Floyd—Boston College
Recovering the Thickness of Things: Il Poverello, Speculative Realism, and the Phenomenology of Religion
Parallel session 2
10. 14h30-15h15—Hannah Venable—University of Mary
Art Speaks the Unspeakable: Suffering of the World in Aesthetic Expression
11. 15h15-16h—Jeronimo Ayesta Lopez—Boston College
Knowing the Self through God and his Creatures: Reading Augustine's De Trinitate X through Marion's Negative Certainties.
12. 16h-16h45— Valentin Davydov—Université d’État de l’Oural
The inner eye of Saint Francis and the role of blind sages in religious culture
13. 17h-17h45— João Paulo Costa—Institut Catholique de Paris
Le silence et la résonance du monde: Merleau-Ponty et Hartmut Rosa
14. 17h45-18h30—Jean Emmanuel Garreau—Institut Catholique de Paris
De François à François. L’itinéraire d’une « profonde conversion intérieure »
Parallel session 3
15. 14h30-15h15—Ellen Moysan Davydov—Duquesne University
Our help is in the name of the Lord, maker of heaven and earth
16. 15h15-16h—Martijn Buijs—Universiteit van Amsterdam
Rosenzweig's Creationism, or How to Reconcile Soul and World
17. 16h-16h45—Martin Grassi—University of Bonn
The World made One: A critical examination of the concept of Pneuma and its cosmological performance in our Western culture
18. 17h-17h45—Matthew Peterson—University of Chicago
Critique as Mythology: The Early Foucault's Phenomenology of the World
19. 17h45-18h30—Taylor Knight—Institut Catholique de Paris
Earth as Ark: Merleau-Ponty and the Primordial Waters
June 12th —Wednesday
The Song of Creation
20. 9h-9h45—Jeff Bloechl—Boston College
Sister Bodily Death. Mortality in the Canticle of the Creatures
21. 9h45-10h30—Benoit Sibille—Institut Catholique de Paris
Défendre le pain et le vin
10h30-11h pause
22. 11h-11h45—Carla Canullo—Universita di Macerata
The Overflowing Cosmos - The Poeisis of the Logos in the Canticle of the Creatures of Francis of Assisi
23. 11h45-12h30— Karl Hefty—Saint Paul University
Created Wisdom in Bonaventure
13h Lunch (rapid)
14h Assisi visit—Gather in the hotel courtyard for shuttle bus departure to Assisi.
17h30 Mass at Assisi (optional)
20h Diner at hotel
June 13th —Thursday
Group Meeting Sala Assisi
8h45—Presentation of the day
Parallel session 7
25. 9h45-10h30—William Connelly—Institut Catholique de Paris
Seeding the World with Glory: A Positive Anthropology, from Leibniz to Blondel
26. 10h30-11h30—Manuel Cruz—Belmont College
Crossing the Amazon, Environmental Dwelling
10h30-11h pause
27. 11h-11h45—Neal DeRoo—Institute for Christian Studies
Embodying the World: The Spiritual Significance of the Earth
28. 11h45-12h30—Diego Rosales—Hápax Action Sciences Institute
Ut nos probemus. On Human ‘forma’ and the History of Creation in Augustine’s Confessions, book XIII
Parallel session 8
29. 9h-9h45—Irène Gay—Institut Catholique de Paris
L’animal chez Bernard de Clairvaux
30. 9h45-10h30—Kristòf Oltvai—University of Chicago
Scotus Roboticus: Univocity as Virtuality in John Duns Scotus's Doctrine of the Creature
10h30-11h pause
31. 11h-11h45—Domenico Cambria—Institut Catholique de Paris
Marcher sur la Terre : les pratiques quotidiennes de Michel de Certeau
32. 11h45-12h30—Jan Juhani Steinmann—Institut Catholique de Paris
The singing man. Poetry and Phenomenology
Parallel session 9
33. 9h-9h45—William Woody, SJ—Boston College
God's Grandeur, Human Greed: Rituals of Repentance for a Failed Stewardship
34. 9h45-10h30—Steven DeLay—Ambrose College, Woolf University
“You Are Not Your Own”: Another Look at the Flesh, Body, and the Henry-Falque Debate
10h30-11h pause 34. 11h-11h45—Simon Martin—Sorbonne University
Non-philosophie et écologie, autour de la pensée de François Laruelle
35. 11h45-12h30—Sarah Horton—Institut Catholique de Paris
« Cette créature passagère » : La nature mixte de l'homme selon Maine de Biran
13h-14h30 Lunch
Being on the Earth
36. 14h30-15h15—David Albertson—University of Southern California
Limits of Earth: the Question of Finitude in Francis and the Early Marx
37. 15h15-16h—Christina M. Gschwandtner—Fordham University
For the Life of the World: Liturgy in the Midst of Ecocide?
16h-16h30 pause
38. 16h30-17h15—Nicola Reali—Università Lateranense
World or/and Creation: a theological approach to an integral ecology
39. 17h15-18h—Emmanuel Falque—Institut Catholique de Paris
“Au commencement…”
20h—Festive Dinner. Present and Future of INPR.
June 14 Friday